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When is the Early Bird price valid until?

The Early Bird price is valid until Wednesday 31st, May 2023


Bronze Logo Placement

Bronze Logo Placement refers to the advertising spaces where a Bronze Partner’s logo will appear, including the website footer and all branded email communications from the Circular Awards.


Silver Logo Placement

Silver Logo Placement refers to the advertising spaces where a Silver Collaborator’s logo will appear, including the website footer, all branded email communications from the Circular Awards and Transitions and Frames during Awards Nomination and Announcement Videos  


Gold Logo Placement

Gold Logo Placement refers to the advertising spaces where a Gold Collaborator’s logo will appear, including the website footer, all branded email communications from the Circular Awards, Transitions and Frames during Awards Nomination and Announcement Videos, Photocall and Podium


Trophy Sponsor Logo Placement

These are the advertising spaces where the Trophy Sponsor’s logo will appear, including the website footer, all branded email communications from the Circular Awards, Transitions and Frames during Awards Nomination and Announcement Videos, Photocall and Podium


Ceremony Sponsor Logo Placement

These are the advertising spaces where the Ceremony Sponsor’s logo will appear, including the website footer, all branded email communications from the Circular Awards, Transitions and Frames during Awards Nomination and Announcement Videos, Photocall and Podium

More details on how you can join the loop and become a partner can be downloaded here. Further, drop us an email and we shall get back to you.


Half-Page and Full-Page Adverts

2 x Half-Page Advertisements or 2 x Full-Page Advertisements with 1 in Special Awards Preview of Circular Awards in Loop Magazine


Ad-Hoc Social Media Benefits

Partners and Sponsors will have ad-hoc social media posts created promoting their company during the period that the sponsorship is valid. Additionally, said collaborator’s and sponsor’s logos will appear in ad-hoc social media posts 


Premium Editorial in Winners Supplement

Collaborators and Sponsors will receive unique, developed content within the Special Awards Supplement of Loop Magazine


Press Release with Sponsor’s Boiler Plate and Logo

Sponsors will have a press release published by the Circular Awards announcing their sponsorship, whereby their logo and boiler plate will appear. 


Sponsor’s Message in Awards Nomination and Announcement Videos

Sponsors will have a short slot in the Circular Awards Nomination Ceremony and Awards Announcement Ceremony to promote their company. 


Pre-Award and Post-Award Emailings

Sponsors will be able to send a short Pre-Awards and Post-Awards emailing to the Circular Awards database. 


More details on how you can join the loop and become a partner can be downloaded here. Further, drop us an email and we shall get back to you.